Another big weekend of racing for MHM athletes throughout the United States. Congratulations to all who participated. This weekend marks the end of the race season for many of you. Based on the feedback I received after the Harvest Moon today I'm confident it is time for a mental and physical break.
The weekend began with Coach Jason (Sartago, New York) setting a personal Olympic distance record at the Lobsterman triathlon. His time of 2:16.06 was an 8 minute Personal Record and earned him a 5th place age group finish.
Dawn Mchpherson (Coach Steve) set a PR with a 6:4o (20 minute PR) finish at the Half Max National Championship in Columbia, Missouri.
Locally nine athletes participated in The Harvest and Crescent Moon Races held in Aurora. Jonathan Nixon, Brian Hendon, Jeff Spiegel and Cody Hanson (who came up from Santa Fe, New Mexico) did the half ironman. We began the weekend with a carbo loading dinner at our home.
Coach Kathy and Marci Madruga did the woman's relay while Coach Pete, Shawn Powers and Daniel Madruga did the mens relay. There was plenty of trash talking going on between the two teams. The women had the lead out of the water and off the bike but the men earned the victory on the run. Duane Newton was also at the venue as he volunteered with registration in the morning. Coach Pete also did the Crescent Moon sprint race.
The weather (heat and wind) and the course made this a very challenging half ironman distance event. I know from some of our earlier conversations this week that a few of you struggled mentally for this race. It is difficult to race this late into the season but each of you responded to the challenge at hand.
Duane and Cody had the pleasure of meeting Michael and Amanda Lovato post race. Cody had been corresponding with Michael for some time and was thrilled to meet and speak with one of idols.
Cody on the run......
Jonathan Nixon..............5:12:04 (PR - 50/322 O.A.)
Brian Hendon.................5:17.54 (61/322 O.A.)
Cody Hanson..................6:26.54 (3rd Place Clydesdale - Clydesdale National Championship)
Jeff Spiegel.....................6:49.25 (239/322O.A.)
MHM MEN....................5:13 (2nd place male relay division)
MHM Women...............5:29 (1st place female relay division)
i bonked hard on the bike. I'd never been able to recover during a race once I had bonked. I did recover at The Harvest Moon. I believe that has to do with the stellar program you've had me on. I'm sold. You have me acomplishing things I'd never of dreamed me acomplishing. And thank you for taking me and my buddy under your wing this weekend. Your hospitality was awsome.
Hey Coach
Got a quick question. How much time does an athlete need between Irons?
The answer really depends on the individual. Experienced athletes can do Ironman 3-4 weeks apart. But keep in mind that they have trained their bodies to absorb huge amounts of volume. I have had athletes race as few as 6 weeks apart and do just fine. The answer aagain is it really depends on the individual.
Way to go Team, fantastic showing at the Harvest Moon - Cody you are an animal, congrats.
Whats the specifics on uniforms?
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