Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sammons at 70.3 World Championships/Ironman Arizona up next

70.3 World Championships

Congratulations to Mike Sammons on his performance at 70.3 Championships in Clearwater, Florida last weekend. At the seven mile mark of the run, Mike was in 2nd place when you he tore his calf muscle. He limped/walked the rest of the way home and still managed to finish in 4:26!!! Mike vows to get healthy and return in 2009!!

Ironman Arizona:

Cody Hanson, Brian Henden and Courtney Ring are in the midst of their final phases of their Ironman taper. This will be the first running of the fall Arizona race and all three are prepared for race day. Coach Pete will make the trip to Arizona to observe all three as they persue their Ironman goals. Follow everyone on the 23rd at Ironman Live.


The Mile High Multisport wind breakers are set to arrive this week. If you ordered a jacket you will be notified shortly.

New Skull Caps and Visors (embroidered) have been ordered through Head Sweats and will be available for purchase soon. If you are interested in obtaining either a wind breaker ( I will have some extras) or a skull cap and or visor please let me know in advance. I also have extra silicone ($10) or latex ($5) MHM caps for sale.

As many of you know, Kathy's mom passed away last week. We have been in central Pennsylvania since last weekend attending to family affairs. During our time away I had an opportunity to read a book that has been sitting on my shelf for some time. They Don't Play Hockey in Heaven is a motivational sotry about a former college goal tender who stopped playing the game after college, found out he had a tumor on his brain in his mid 20's and then made a successful comeback in his early 30's to the sport he loved as a youth. Throughout the book there are many parrallels and lesson which we all go through in life. From the minute I read the opening page I was riveted to this book. In the first few pages Ken Baker shares nuggets that each of us can relate to...

We lie to others and to ourselves.
We let love slip away.
We sacrifice long-term health for short-term happiness.
We don't say what we mean.
We practice selfishness even though selflessness feels better.
We don't listen to our bodies.
We recognize greatness in others but not ourselves.
We accept things as they are rather than make them what they could be.
We allow fear to keep us from embarking on journeys.
We let dreams die on our pillows.

As we approach the holiday season, take the appropriate time to spend with family and make emotional deposits in your loved ones banks. In the summer you will typically make more withdrawals than deposits. In short, a missed workout is just that, If you've worked hard the rest of the year than a missed workout or two isn't going to set you back. Work to be consistant and have fun while focusing on your limiters.

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